NEW!! Custom Care Planning Service In response to an increasing number of advisors who are asking about resources for clients with aging parents, we launched our Custom Care Planning Service at the recent LTC Conference in Toronto. How it Works
This fee-based service is time and cost effective for clients and delivers both a practical plan and peace of mind. Enhance your professional integrity by expanding your personal touch not only to your clients, but to their entire families as well. Download the Final Care Planning Card or contact Karen Henderson.(
Canada’s First Long Term Care Conference October 21, 2009
It was a long time coming, but well worth the wait. Over 400 attendees benefited from a day filled with education and networking at the Mississauga Convention Centre. There was something for everyone. Session included:
- What Canadians Want as They Age
- LTC 101
- Intermediate LTC – Making It a Part of Your Practice
- LTC Underwriting
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Producer Panel
The day wrapped up with a reception and tradeshow; LTC Planning Network was proud to be a sponsor of the event.
Kudos go to Munich Re for taking the initiative to stage a much needed and appreciated event. A second conference is being planning for Quebec; for more information contact Helene Michaud (